Dynamic Assessment: Use with Confidence
Dynamic assessment for culturally and linguistically diverse children
Dynamic assessment for culturally and linguistically diverse children
Language Comprehension The comprehension of language is the foundation of community and relationship, whether oral, signed, or written. Further, language comprehension is part of the foundation of humanity. Understanding language is integral to the development…
Instruction of complex sentence structures is of utmost importance for young children as well as older students. A child’s knowledge of complex sentence structures observed through oral language use and listening comprehension proficiency is directly…
Teaching Common Core Vocabulary in education is the difference between comprehension and misunderstanding. It can be the difference between academic proficiency and educational limitations. Do I dare say, maybe even the difference between social-emotional competence…
Do you dread teaching complex sentence exercises to your students with language disorder? Think about it…..correlative conjunctions, subordinate conjunctions, or even teaching problem-solving and solution text structure. Most of the work for these types of…
What is the importance of fluency shaping ? How do fluency shaping techniques fit into stuttering modification therapy? Have you ever had some confusion about the difference between fluency shaping techniques and stuttering modification in…
I love to teach listening comprehension strategies to children! Seeing a child’s response to making a connection, understanding, or finally just “getting it” is so rewarding. Listening comprehension exercises can be critical for the academic…
Our Role in Stuttering Modification – Desensitization! As speech-language pathologists, understanding our role in stuttering therapy is critical. Providing stuttering modification instruction and strategies likewise. Our therapy practices and attitudes either help or hinder our…
Where it all Began In my early years of being a speech-language pathologist, I was introduced to the mediated learning experience through an intensive week-long “Instrumental Enrichment” workshop. Instrumental Enrichment is a cognitive curriculum that…
Most Important Stuttering Therapy Strategy Desensitization in the therapy of stuttering is probably the most important metacognitive skill that we can impress on our clients. In order to handle a situation or event in which…
Let’s Take the Struggle out of Stuttering! Speech therapy for stuttering can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be! I remember being terrified of providing stuttering therapy during my master’s program. I may not…
What to Consider When Assessing Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Children Using Dynamic Assessment when assessing “culturally and linguistically diverse” (CLD) children is critical, but why? Assessing CLD children for a Communication Disorder can also be…
So Much to Share There is so much to talk about with speech-language therapy that I’m not even sure where to begin! I’m excited to share my knowledge of communication disorders and related therapy. I…
Are you teaching complex sentence structure? How important is it really?! One of the most essential language goals for children is to understand and express the form of language, especially complex sentence structure. Conjunctions in complex…
Why Teach Basic Concepts? Teaching basic concepts is critical for language development. This is especially true in young language learners! Understanding basic concepts supports comprehension of pre-academic and academic content. They also improve the ability…