Most Important Stuttering Therapy Strategy
Desensitization in the therapy of stuttering is probably the most important metacognitive skill that we can impress on our clients. In order to handle a situation or event in which stuttering may occur, a person who stutters must believe that they can successfully communicate despite stuttering. This can help to decrease the anxiety that may be felt if a stuttering event actually occurs. Within the safety of the therapy setting, it can be empowering (Yaruss, 2020) to experience the emotions and struggle that a stuttering event may produce but have the confidence to get through it. This strategy provides the deliberate practice that is necessary to think about what happens during a stuttering event and how to better handle it when it occurs in the natural setting. “Stutterers don’t have to nervously wait – and dread – for stuttering to happen. They can show stuttering on their own terms. They are not hiding and avoiding anymore, and that is liberating!” (Catherine, 2019).
Purposeful Planning and Practice Makes for Improvement
When stuttering is practiced along with exercises that support developing a plan to decrease the struggle (Reeves, 2021), a sense of control can begin. This supports our clients to better deal with stuttering and begin the journey towards becoming a confident speaker whether stuttering happens or not. Remember, the goal in therapy is not necessarily to prevent stuttering but to support clients in decreasing the struggle when a stuttering event happens.
Where Do I Find Pseudo-Stuttering Resources?
The following resources emphasize the cancellation method to stop when a stutter occurs and think of a stuttering strategy. Then, repeat the stuttered word with less tension and continue with the sentence. Three types of stuttering are targeted including repetitions, blocking, and prolongations. *Non-fiction text is used for sentences with audio examples as needed..
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Yaruss, J.S., (2020). How can we help school-age children become desensitized to stuttering? Stuttering Therapy Resources.
Catherine. (2019). Voluntary Stuttering: This powerful tactic will improve your life. Retrieved from
Reeves, N. (2021). Stuttering is Verbal Diversity. Webinar: Bright Ideas Media- SLP Summit.

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